Back together again
To misquote Samual Pepys, it’s good to see how dinner and feasting reunite everybody. It is nearly two years since the Club held its last Dinner and Trophy Presentation so it was good to get together again at the historic White Hart in Salisbury and have the opportunity to catch up with old friends rather than just wave at them as they pass you in the forest. Of course, one of the key features of our Club Dinners is the presentation of club trophies and awards for orienteering success, service to the Club, something unique or just plain amusing.
As ever the presentations started with trophies for Juniors who are so important to the Club not only as they represent orienteering’s future but also for the wonderful parents they bring along and who get press-ganged into helping out.

Our Chairman Ian Peirce presented the major club awards, with Lizzie Balston deservedly winning the Pam Errington Trophy for ‘Most Improved Junior’.
Bea Halsey and Barnes Dickinson won ‘Most improved juniors’ Runners Up medals. Barnes also was presented with his Orange Badge for good results on three orange courses.

The Martin Cochrane Trophy is the Club’s premier award for special service to the Club. Martin was a quiet man, not a top orienteer, who frequently turned out to provide his help in whatever way he could. After helping Sarum on the Finish Team at a JK event many years ago now, Martin went out to run his own course but, sadly, never returned, being found at his third control.

The Award that commemorates Martin is presented to someone who has given something extra special to the Club. This year the Trophy was awarded to Jo Halsey for all her hard work in initiating and organising events for our juniors. Well done Jo and thank you from all of us.
In recent years Dan Cope has taken on the role of creating special awards for club members who have, in some way, helped us, served us or perhaps amused us. This year Dan had come up with a rather nice award and, together with the help from Charlotte and Liz, gave his usual light hearted Powerpoint guide to the winners. Thanks Dan.

Alan Yeadon (Scottish A&E specialist) and Ian Peirce (Yorkshire A&E specialist) were joint winners of the A&E award, both having found themselves in hospital with serious health issues whilst on an orienteering holiday
Mark White won the Mr. Unflappable award, appropriate for someone who stays calm and unflustered whatever he is asked to do. We have to assume that this is also the case when he’s running a course.

Marc Balston won the All-round Computer Whizz award for doing all our computer work with imagination and innovation. Marc has also 3-D printed plastic kit for our control stakes.
Peter Hambleton was given the ESP Reporter award. He hasn’t been to orienteering events recently due to mobility issues but still manages to write event reports for the website despite having been nowhere near at the time.

Freda Pierce had the unique Moneysworth Award for getting more orienteering out of an event than most. In Freda’s outstanding event she was first runner out and last runner back – just in time to stand on the podium in third place. Who could ask for greater commitment to orienteering?
Andrew Graham was Planner of the Year for creating courses for the Sarum Saunter at Shearwater that were much appreciated by competitors. This was despite the many difficulties presented by the terrain, the Longleat Estate and the weather.

Martin and Janet Thirkell deservedly won the Compass Sport Stalwarts Award. Year on year they turn out to run for Sarum proving the importance of a big club turnout to achieving success
The final award went to Liz Yeadon who works tirelessly to ensure that our events actually take place and who, in her own words, does too much.

After the awards Peter Hambleton spoke briefly in memory of our late President, Ron Ley, who sadly passed away in 2023. Ron’s obituary can be found here.
After pausing our eating for all this fun we got on with our desserts!
Hope everybody enjoyed the evening. Let’s try to do it again next year!