Sarum’s Evening of Celebration

Sarum Dinner 2018

Whether it was the change of venue or just a need to huddle together for warmth, there was a great turn out for this year’s Club Dinner held at Wellow Golf Club and organised by Pat. Chef Mike produced a super meal that ensured we all overstepped our calorie allocation for the day and deservedly received a round of applause.

As ever this was a time for awards and Ian and Freda Peirce were presented with the Martin Cochrane Trophy by our Chairman, Brian Hart, who thanked them both for stepping in to take on the roles of Chair and Treasurer of the previous committee. Brian also thanked Hazel Cutler for serving as junior representative on the previous committee and for the many fine performances she produced for the club as a junior orienteer and presented Hazel with the Pam Errington Award.

Joan, as custodian of the Club Galoppen statistics, reviewed the 2017 competition and announced that Lucy Butt was the winner of the Ron Ley Trophy. In Lucy’s absence Mum Jackie Butt accepted the Trophy. Joan then presented certificates to the top ten in the Galoppen Table.

As ever, the awards ceremony ended with the Rickys, Sarum’s answer to the Oscars, in which club members receive one of Ricky and Charlotte’s hand made trophies for some meritorious or infamous act(ions) over the past year.  Photos of the lucky winners are in the gallery below.

Many thanks again to Pat for organising the Dinner – we hope to see everyone, and more, next year.