What is it about the CSC Cup final that seems to bring on foul weather with loadsamud? This year it was Storm Ashley that blessed the North West of the country, together with CSC competitors, with strong winds, rain and mist, oh, and loadsamud.
For clubs in the South it was a long haul North to Holcombe Ranges to run and enjoy (!) the event organised and planned by Pendle Forest Orienteers. Despite this nineteen Sarum Orienteers made the journey and put on a very good show. Unfortunately, injury deprived us of some competitive runners. Despite this everyone gave of their best with Sarum being able to achieve the necessary maximum 13 scoring runners to be competitive, with Lisa White our top scorer on the day. The family White also put in a good shift with everyone contributing to the scoring for Sarum. Well done also to juniors Lizzie Balston, Bea Halsey and Max Duncan each of whom contributed good scores. Everyone was rewarded by sunshine later in the day. Congratulations and thanks to everyone who braved the long journey in order to represent Sarum – you done us proud.
The report and photo gallery below are from our Chairman, Ian Peirce.
Weather was typical Lancashire for October, so what did people expect? We had a good breeze with some strong gusts throughout the day, together with light to heavy rain for the first half of the completion and then it turned to lovely sunshine. Lucky late starters.
The middle area was full of interesting intricate features with lots to navigate off. Up into the hills was very open moor with sparse features and terrain that was difficult underfoot in places, making it hard to keep a steady pace and judge distance. This made accurate navigation over long leg lengths very challenging. So well done to everyone for successfully completing their course. Congratulations to Lisa White for being our top scorer.
Ian was spotted on the finish run in, stopping and going back for the last control. Now how many times is that, Ian?
Lovely area and would love to do another event there sometime. Better still, bring it down South with less distance to travel and less rain.
Full results are available here but the pertinent Sarum results are in the following Tables.